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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

At the Edge of Serenity

We always hear the term "humans are never perfect". The Almighty Lord creates us and destines our fate to become the leaders in His universe. Society evolves, technology is born, yet the world gently tip-toes toward destruction. Who's to blame? The Almighty Lord? Nature and the universe? Or us, the failed leaders? If it is because of us, is the evolution of society (in which we are parts of it) to be blamed?

I heard that long ago the air was so thin, so relieving that it seems that we were breathing through a can of pure O2. But now you can only have that when you are in the countryside or pay a couple of bucks for a can of O2. I love animals, mostly domestic animals though. To me, they want nothing but your love. If you love, protect, and treat them, they will give abundant love in return, no hidden purposes, unlike some humans. But I can't see or pet them anywhere, anytime I want. I have to visit local zoos or petstores for that. I realize that most animals can't live side-by-side with humans. But should I pay a couple of bucks just to pet a puppy or a kitten? This is a similar case for plants and trees. My Dad has to pay a huge some of money to obtain and grow orchids (growing orchids is his hobby). I know that orchids are mostly endagered. But why can't he take some and others non-endagered plants directly from the soil instead? Plain water, which is supposedly abundance, is bottled and priced as expensive as $1.00. Not all tap water and drinking-fountains are safe to consume, especially in third-world countries.

Are money and the demand of evolution responsible for this? Why should technology advancement devastate nature? Everything starts to become rare that it becomes a commodity. Is it that costly ineficient to use alternative raw materials (those that are abundance and are likely to have smaller effects on environment) or environment-friendly materials? Firms and businesses claim to adapt environment-friendly policies. Only a small percentage abide to their own statements, mostly otherwise, in an excuse for cost effective. Frankly speaking, I don't know what to do or what to say anymore, but I always dream of building a mansion in the middle of a huge meadow, filled with colorful flowers, rabbits and deers running around. I always dream of walking through a meadow, showered by abundant falling cherry-blossoms. And then there would be a huge crystal-clear lake behind my mansion, filled with kois (a japanese-goldfish breed). It seems so peaceful riding a stallion around the meadow under a clear blue sky during the early spring season. And that would cost me nothing, at least in my own imagination. We are all longing for this, and I believe that we can protect nature and prevent devastation while mostly we are still living at the edge of serenity.

[My child, long ago when I was young,
The cherry-blossoms dropped gently on Her laps
The geese and the wolves serenaded in harmony to entertain Her
The Aurora enjoyed Her reflection on the ocean
Some people worshipped Her for Her bliss
As one of His creations, she was so beautiful that others just loved being around Her
She was a perfect subject to rely on

My Child, today as I am older,
Timbers fall vigourously as a slap on Her face
Sardines and albatross float motionless on the sea
These peculiar fogs and liquids blinded and blurred the sky and the ocean
People now worship Her no more, She is turned down for money and power
She looks so old, so pale, exhailing on the edge of despair
She is longing for rejuvenation]

    :: posted by Fari Nasution @ 4:19 AM :: :: ::

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