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Friday, February 25, 2005

Dual Illuminati

Why are you leaving me?
Can't you walk beside me?
You walk in front of me
Then I shall be lost
You walk behind me
Then I can't lead

Why are you leaving me?
I don't have the torch
The mist blinds me
I don't see the lighthouse
So weak the illumination is
The shore faded like a shadow

Why are you leaving me?
I don't have a lighter
I don't even have a matches
My senses are weak
Fragile as a thin glass

Why are you leaving me?
Am I too arrogant as a leader?
Am I too slow as a follower?
Should I run toward you?
Should I run just to catch your shadow?
Or should I halt, suspending my motion to wait?

Never leave me my dear
Together we shall illuminate the world
Together we shall shine the earth
Together we are the sun
Together we are a candle in the darkness
Never ever leave me

Abo Dja Naunong Nasution

Although I sometimes need to be solitude (to earn my privacy), I enjoy constant company of my family and best friends. People whom I feel comfortable with, people whom I share similar interests with, people whom I've known very well. I am a social person, yet I find solitary to be a perfect compensation to drown myself in my vivid imagination. I have many friends but only few (you can count fingers on one side of your hands) of them I shall be with the most. And it's been a very long time I haven't been engaged in a serious, deep relationship. This personality trait and circumstances mold me to be what I am now. You, only you (family and best friends) know who I trully am. Only you can judge me physically and personally.

    :: posted by Fari Nasution @ 11:19 PM :: :: ::

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