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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Busy Bee

My co-worker is having her days off..... Hmmph, she left all her works to me, which keeps me busy these past days. I'm almost done with my (or should I say, hers?) works though, only 15% or 10% left. Before yesterday, I actually had 40% of my works left so you can say that I procrastinated almost the entire leftover tasks yesterday =p I was so tired I slept in the subway on my way back yesterday. Actually I didn't wanna go to train for wushu yesterday, but I promised the guys the day before (and it turned out one of them didn't show up =p). Went home when for the first time, I screwed up at home which really made the owners of the house mad at me =p FYI, I'm gonna confess, I'm really, really scared of insects (or bugs) that bite or sting! (I'm not afraid of cockroaches, spiders except venomous spiders such as Tarantula or Australian Black Widow of course, or worms though.) Cause to me, these are harmful animals that can fly everywhere and can land anywhere or on any part of your body and sneak inside your outfit and then bite you or sting you =p

RAID, Ant and Roach KillerI was enjoying my leisure moment, watching TV and munching on Ritz chips, when suddenly I realized there was a huge bee falling from the air vent! I started panicking (one more thing, I'm a person who can easily get panick and when I'm panicking, I don't think clearly =p It runs in my gene, my parents are like that =p) when I saw the bee (it was huge, black bee with a yellow spot on its back) crawling and flapping its wings between Sekar's old binder and 2 stacks of CDs/DVDs. Sekar who noticed my gesture (and who is even afraid of any kinds of insects =p) started panicking as well. I panickly grabbed a can of RAID, ant and roach killer, and started brutally spraying that bee. I know, I didn't think at all at that time although I did notice that it wasn't a spray of mist that came out of the can, it was more like a white, bubbly liquid. My thought at that time was I don't care what's gonna happen to the binder and the CDs/DVDs cause all I know is that I have to eliminate that creature first and then I'll start worrying the binder and the CDs/DVDs later =p Yes, I successfully ruined the binder, CDs, and DVDs =p (and of course, the bee itself, which Oom Marfi, Sekar's Dad, had to flush in the toilet.). The binder, and some of the CDs/DVDs stank and had some white spots or blotches on them. Don't get me wrong, I do love animals, but when I think they are harmful to me (and they can fly too), I'll kill them for my own safety for sure =p For the very first time, Sekar's parents yelled at me for ruining the binder, CDs, and DVDs =p (especially Sekar's Mom, Tante Tika, who was actually very tired after coming back from work. I terribly, sincerely apology Tante.) When I think of that, it kinda makes me sad but it tickles me as well (I laugh at it now =p), but well, I was an idiot and was acting childish though =p She was actually preparing dinner when she then had to clean up and wash the binder and some CDs or DVDs that got contaminated (some of those CDs and DVDs belong to someone else.). She was really upset that she refused my help.

But it wasn't for long though, a couple of minutes after that, we sat together watching a movie although they now teased me and made fun of me for being afraid of bee =p (they said that it wasn't actually a bee. It was some sort of a bug, I don't know what it was, but still it looked like a harmful bee to me =p) Now they know that I'm afraid of biting and stinging bugs and that I would become brutal when I'm panicking =p Think about it now, if only it was recorded on a video camcorder, it would look like some silly sitcom scene where I brutally spraid an insecticide and was mumbling unclearly (out of fear) and Sekar behind me was screaming =p But again, to me, this is some everyday scene that could happen to everyone who lives under the same roof. No matter how hard you try to become and to act innocent, you will have to screw up once or twice (but not too often as the others might become fed up and pissed off =p) in order to "introduce" the other side of yourself and in order to learn and understand each other. You'll understand that he or she is afraid of something or doesn't like to be treated in some sort of way, and vice versa. I didn't get this kind of experience when I lived in St. Louis cause my roommate, although nice and very helpful, was extraordinary individualistic (he almost never came out from his bedroom. He has 3 computers and 1 laptop, his own TV, his own TiVo machine, and his own microwave in his bedroom. He only came out to go outside, to use the bathroom, or to get some drinks or raw foods to be further "processed" in his microwave. Talking about quality time, we rarely chatted and never hung out together. The only thing we talked if it wasn't about electric, internet, and cable TV bills, it would be about classes and Professors at UM - St. Louis =p I had to run out of house and spent most of my weeks, sleeping over at others' places. That's how I became close to Wulan, Freddy, Edhy, and Budi =D). Once again, I'm sorry.

[Yaaayyy, my new laptop will arrive this Thursday, April 20 =)]

    :: posted by Fari Nasution @ 9:10 AM :: :: ::

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