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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Atmosphere of Ramadhan #1

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. =)

I got these posts from a blog of a friend of mine back in college, Dewi. I think it's nice to review these and think of the essence of these posts. All of the messages were originally in Indonesian, but I will try my best to translate these in english and probably add some of my personal opinions.

Al - Ahzab (1 - 3)
Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah, yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang (1) Hai Nabi, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan janganlah kamu menuruti orang-orang kafir dan orang-orang munafik. Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana, (2) dan ikutilah apa yang diwahyukan Tuhan kepadamu. Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan. (3) dan bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Dan cukuplah Allah sebagai Pemelihara.

Translation: In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. (1) O Prophet! Fear Allah, and hearken not to the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites: verily Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom, (2) but follow that which comes to thee by inspiration from thy Lord: for Allah is well acquainted with (all) that ye do. (3) And put thy trust in Allah, and enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs.

I always believe that the Prophets are the Messengers of Allah. What they inform, teach, and instruct are all descended directly from Him. We all have our personal opinions and thoughts. But is it necessary to disobey these instructions? In my humble opinion, this lack of trust shows that we actually don't understand what we have been taught for all our entire life. It shows that we don't understand the essence of what we have been practicing. It is all just ceremonial. I often say to the non-Indonesians that Indonesians are religious. But unfortunately, some of us are just religiously ceremonial. And some of us are too blinded by logic and science. Don't they know that logic and science originally derived from philosophy which is a (in my humble opinion) compilation of various religions? Well, I, personally, am not religiously ceremonial, I miss (or skip probably =p) prays sometimes, but I try hard to understand the essence of all regulations and teachings, why we are told to do so or why we are forbid from doing so.

Next is a lyric of Nasyid by Opick. No, I've never listened to the song, but I personally think that this song (as well as other Nasyids) contains a good message to remind us of how terribly spoiled we are as human beings (including me of course =p) in a melodious way. Yes, because we as humans have our own mind and our own free will, even when we're young, we tend to disobey what our parents told us. As we grow older (and we think we become wiser), and legally allow to do just about anything, we think we have the power to do just about anything, purposely disobeying not only our parents but Him above. Just to show that, hey, I'm mature now, I'm 17 (or 21) years old or older than 17 (or 21) years old, no one or nothing can stop me as long as it's by the book and under the rules (those rules written by humans). I never believe that I have matured. Never. Please read my article entitled Maturity? that I posted last January 2005. I always believe that we grow, we learn and absorb wisdoms from our religious teaching, society, and experience.

I just received a message from my Mom, that my cousin, as old as me (a year younger actually), just passed away of HIV/AIDS because of drugs addiction and got infected from a needle. Nauzubillah Min Zalik. May Allah save me from any similar terrible incident. My deep condolence to my Uncle and my Aunt in Jakarta. I never like and don't respect the fact that some people do mistakes on purpose, in an excuse for gaining some experience. We start smoking for an experience and then accidently end up being an addict. We start drinking (too much cause we can't control the urge?) for an experience and then end up being an alcoholic (or those terrible pain we suffer in the morning. Why look for that unnecessary pain and then nagging that we regret to drink but then start it again once we are socializing or when we are depressed?). We start experiencing premarital sexual intercourse and then end up believing it's a normal thing to do (then why is there a marital institution and all of these ceremonials? Just to have a party and waste our future parents in law's money? Duh?!?). We start to use drugs because of peer pressure or just want to know how it feels like and then end up being a junky (or worst case, like my cousin whom I just mentioned earlier). The results are obvious, why would you want to put yourself in uneccessary troubles, dude(s)/dudette(s)? I don't understand, I just can never understand... In my very humble opinion, just lead yourself to a simple life. We don't need to look cool or impress others with these stuffs. Don't lie to me, we all start all of these because of peer pressure and we want to look cool in front of our own peer (yeah, I can do it, I can be like you...). Pokoknya enggak usah neko-neko deh, that's what Indonesians say.

I don't know. But probably I'm still too overwhelmed of what have happened to me lately. That these raise my sense of awareness. I don't know, but you can call me naive or too conservative. Well, that's who I am, but please respect my opinion as I never interfere or forbid anything that happens as long as it doesn't drag me into it or put myself in trouble as well. We are all humans, we are never mature, we are still learning so that when death calls, we are ready to face Him and that we deserve a better place next to Him. Check out the next lyric or message. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Kesaksian Diri
Tak satupun orang bisa menjamin dirinya
Selamat disaat ajal memanggilnya
Setitik kesalahan semua akan diperhitungkan
Semisai buih dosa yang telah kita kerjakan

Setiap mata, hati, tangan, kaki, akan jadi saksi
Tiada dusta diri yang tak terhakimi
Luka sepi air mata tak berarti lagi
Akan terlambat segala sesal diwaktu nanti

Allah mohon jangan hukum kami dari dosa
Ampuni kami karena tak mungkin kami
Sanggup menahan pedih
Setitik rahmat yang kau beri lebih berarti
Dari segalanya

Setitik ampunan-Mu kan menghapus dosa kami
Karena mata, hati, tangan, kaki akan jadi saksi
Tiada dusta diri yang tak tehakimi
Luka sepi air mata tak berarti lagi
Akan terlambat segala sesal diwaktu nanti
A Self Witness
Nobody is able to guarantee himself or herself
Safe when death calls
A tiny mistake will be considered
As a sin we have already done
Every eyes, hearts, arms, legs will testify
No lies cannot be tried
Tears of loneliness wound will be nothing
It will be too late to regret anything
Allah please do not punish us for our sins
Have mercy on us because it is impossible for us
To handle the pain
Any of Your blessing will be truly worthy
More than anything
Any of Your Mercy shall banish our sins
Because every eyes, hearts, arms, legs will testify
No lies cannot be tried
Tears of loneliness wound will be nothing
It will be too late to regret anything

    :: posted by Fari Nasution @ 11:57 AM :: :: ::

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